Friday, December 23, 2011

Johnston Christmas Letter 2011

So, I've never written one of these so don't get your hopes up! But here we go-- an attempt to sum up all the ups, downs, and crazy ins and outs of 2011 in 4 or 5 short paragraphs :)

Duane continues to be a success with our small chicken business! Of course he has surrounded himself with great people to help him succeed and he loves what he does now more than ever before. Duane made a decision to begin helping with the high school youth group at church this summer. He attended Beach Retreat and it out of his comfort zone to say the least but he loved it. This fall he signed up to lead a Collision Group that meets on Wednesday nights. The bible study group is made up of 11th grade guys and he is challenged every week :)

I (Erica) continue to help Duane market our business. I have so much fun planning events and keeping up with our community. I jumped head first into volunteering at Emma's new school and I have enjoyed being involved and meeting new people! The first half of 2011 I was wrapped up in "newborn" world.  The second half of 2011 I managed to finish a few DIY home projects, teach VBS, survive a roadtrip with the kids, and embraced being a taxi driver for my kiddos social calendar. Let's face it: I'm a MOM- 'nuff said :) 

Emma is a 14 year old trapped in a 4 year old body most days! Her spunk and confidence has served her well in her first year of pre-school. She is enrolled at Holy Trinity Episcopal School, a local private school, in the Pre-K 3 program. She has been awarded the Classroom Leadership Award, is learning to spell, write her last name, simple math, Spanish, and learned "Duck, Duck, Goose" in P.E.  She is truly something special! Emma conquered riding her bike earlier this year, saved up to buy her trampoline with garage sale money, and ice-skated for the first time. She has also been a great big sister to her brother.

Mason's first full year of life was full of firsts! First word: Dada. First tooth: 4 months. First chicken nugget: 7 months. First steps: 14 months. Now he is walking, babbling, throwing fits, and CLIMBING on EVERYTHING! Everyone was right-- boys are a different breed of human-- but they are so snuggly! We had some health concerns with Mason this year and after many, many appointments at Texas Children's Hospital (and lots of prayer) he seems to be perfectly healthy. Mason loves being outside, climbing the Chick-fil-A playground, and LOVES tamales, apples, and bread baskets :)

We are looking forward to a FUN, HEALTHY, and FANTASTIC 2012!

Merry Christmas <3
The Johnstons


Sunday, December 4, 2011


We don't have a lot of family traditions in my family and Duane and I haven't established too many traditions of our own either.  We do have one that began when I was a baby and is something that I continued with my kiddos.  Check out the photo below... 

That's right the words on the bottom say "Baby's First Christmas 1983". This was my first Hallmark Christmas ornament that my parents bought me my first Christmas.  I have an ornament from every Christmas since 1983 until I got married. Each year my mom would pick out an ornament that represented a milestone in our lives or something that we liked/were into and some are just cute ornaments with less of a "deep" meaning! When I grew up and married, my mom passed the ornaments on to me to decorate my tree with.  I love unpacking my past in the form of ornaments every year when we decorate our Christmas tree! 

When Emma came along it seemed only natural to continue the tradition that I had enjoyed as a child and we bought her first Hallmark Christmas ornament.  The ribbon says "Baby's First Christmas 2007".

We have purchased a Hallmark ornament every year for her and now she is getting to an age where she loves to hear the story behind why mommy chose a certain ornament for her.  I try to get one that represents who she is that particular year.  This year Emma received a "Tangled" themed ornament which represented her first movie theater experience and her beginning phase of "princess obsession"-- I knew it would happen eventually! :)

Of course, when our bundle of love Mason arrived, the tradition continued!  The price tag on the onesie reads "Baby's First Christmas 2010".  This year Mason received a Little People Fire Truck Hallmark ornament to represent his rough-n-tumble start into toddlerhood... and it was just so stinkin' cute!

Decorating my Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do because it truly reflects who we are as a family and has a lifetime of great stories to tell.  Duane and I also buy ornaments for our milestone events as a couple.  We have a "Couples First Christmas 2004" and "First Home 2010".  By the way, the ornament care is taken very seriously-- every onament is repackaged in its orginal packaging with original bubble wrap-- I mean I am my mother's daughter :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Elf

The return of the Elf on the Shelf has been a wonderful addition to our family once again this holiday season. Last year his name was Elfie... this year it is Christmas Elfie... next year who knows! Emma loves looking for him every morning and is very impressed with his "hiding" and "climbing" abilities. The power of the Elf is amazing but I don't know who has more fun-- Emma or Daddy (who scouts out Elfie's new hiding spot daily)!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fish Heaven

"Emma, I think that your fish has gone to Fish Heaven."
"Emma, it looks like Goldie went to be with Jesus tonight."

Her little face just dropped and she gave me a hug. I don't think she knew how to process her feelings.  Suddenly the tears began to fall and she told me that Goldie went to be with Jesus and was happier there because Jesus had a bigger fish tank than we had and the tank had more fish so Goldie was making new friends.  She figured Goldie was getting lonely all by herself in our tank. 

I told her that even though Goldie's heart was with Jesus in Heaven that we still had to bury her body that was here.  I told Duane to get the fish out of the tank and prepare for burial.  Thankfully, Emma wasn't able to get a good look at Goldie dead in the tank because the fish had been sucked up against the filter and was attached through suction.  Not how one wants to remember their beloved first fish I assume!  I told Emma that it would be best to do a burial "at sea" or otherwise known as DOWN THE TOILET.  She told Duane that she did not want to watch so she gave Goldie her last goodbye, Duane prayed a beautiful prayer of remembrance, and Goldie was flushed. 

This was Emma's first big loss and she was very sad for the rest of the night but did come to the conclusion that it would be OK to replace Goldie with a different fish in a few days.  She made sure I knew that she will never forget Goldie.  This was a relief to mommy-- not because I want fish-- but because we paid enough money for the starter tank that something needs to live in it!

Emma is resting now but I am sure tomorrow will bring renewed grief and agony when she remembers what happened tonight when she got home....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Caught Red-Handed!

This is the face of our 1-year old being CAUGHT red-handed as he broke into his diaper bag and helped himself to a bag of snacks before dinner.

Need I say more?! I suppose I will tell the whole short story.  I, the tired and over-worked mom in this story, was busy preparing dinner before we went to church.  Emma was on the potty. Duane was on a conference call off-site.  I was about 3/4 the way through dinner when I realized that it had been WAY TOO quiet for WAY TOO long so I called out for Mason. No response.  I called out again. No response.  Half panicking I left the kitchen to round the corner and the face pictured above is the face I see.  Followed by this face when I asked him what he was doing...

At that very moment Emma calls me from the potty proclaiming proudly that she has gone poo-poo and wants me to go see it.  Then the timer goes off signaling that I need to remove the dinner pan from the heat per the instructions.  So, I weighed my options on which item I should tackle first.  I chose Emma and the potty-- praying that my bathroom wasn't in disarray and the trip to the potty was indeed successful.  It was so I cleaned her up, washed my hands, and decided the timer was the next priority when Duane walks in.  Welcome to chaos, honey! He grabs the timer and turns off the stove.  Then it was back to Mason who was sitting proudly holding his empty bag of Kix and was saying, "Nack, Nack!" -- translation: snack, snack-- victory written all over his face.

It is new to us...

It is never fun having friends move away especially when they are fantastic friends like the Kozuls.  I am happy to announce that we get to have a little bit of them everyday in the form of Iva and Alena's former swing set which now resides in our backyard.  It took a bit of planning and researching to make it happen BUT it has been worth every second.  The timing could not have been more perfect either as the swing set was re-constructed in our backyard on Emma's actual birthday--September 28th! It was a huge surprise when she came home from school and found it!

There are going to be many, many memories made on the swing set including bumps and bruises, tea parties in the clubhouse, and fights over swings-- thank goodness I get to watch some of them from the comfort of our sofa while they enjoy their "new" playset! Thank you Sarah, Vince, Iva, and Alena for making these smiles possible for my kiddos!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Emma's First Week of School

So I am a week late in writing this blog but better late than never! :)

Emma's first week was a HUGE success! I will share one "Emma" story then leave you with the precious pictures---

Emma was excited and nervous about anything related to Holy Trinity Episcopal School (her new school).  There was a teacher "Meet-n-Greet" the Thursday before school started.  We had a chance to look around her new classroom, see her desk, and try to make her as comfortable as possible with her new situation.  While touring her classroom, I pointed to the discipline chart on the wall.  There were four laminated sheets of paper on the wall: two green sheets followed by a yellow then red.  All the "stars" were on the top green sheet.  Emma spotted her star immediately and said with all the excitement in the world, "MOM! I can't wait to get my star ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM red sheet because red is my favorite color!"  HA!  I stood there for a while not sure how to approach this one as I understood her reasoning HOWEVER red was not the behavior goal-- "top green" is the goal.  Red = bad. Green = good. Rather than kill her enthusiasm I let it go and figured her teacher, Mrs. Licata, would explain all of that on her first day.  Duane and I laughed for a while later that night though ;)




Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Living Legacy-- Ms. Mary

Today was a sad day.  Today I was glad that I had two little distractions-- Mason and Emma-- who didn't allow me to be sad all day.  But before life goes back to normal and we get lost in the day-to-day messiness that is life I need to take a moment to tell the story of a living legend that I have had the privilege of knowing for so many years. 

There are truly no accidents in life.  God's hand is in everything including my small bladder which is where this story begins.  I was 7 months pregnant with Emma and we were on our way home when I couldn't hold it any longer.  All the ladies who have been pregnant before can sympathize with that! I asked Duane to pull over somewhere so I could use the bathroom before traveling the last few miles to our apartment in Beaumont.  He stopped at a Market Basket, a small, local east Texas grocery store chain.  I frantically searched for a bathroom sign with no luck!  I came across a nice old lady who was sampling in the cold section of the store.  I politely denied the sample because I need to pee, but quickly came back and asked if she knew where the bathroom was.  She told me where it was and I practically ran.  Fast forward through the bathroom scene... "something" kept telling me to go back and talk to the old lady.  Thoughts were flying in my mind because we were in the market for a sampler and were having NO luck finding someone to pass out nugget samples at our mall store.  I nervously approached the lady and introduced myself, gave her my business card, and told her if she was ever interested in working some place else as a sampler to give me a call.  Duane was very proud of my assertiveness- and so was I!  She called me soon after our first encounter. I interviewed her, she accepted the position, and Ms. Mary has been with us for 7 years! Now this part will give you chill bumps--- I found out years later while in conversation with Ms. Mary that the day we met she had accidentally shown up at the wrong Market Basket that day.  The company she worked for had placed her at a different Market Basket, she had the addresses confused, and ended up there--- only to have me stop there due to my small bladder, ask for bathroom directions, and have "something" tell me that I needed to talk with her about sampling at Chick-fil-A.  I know now that God's hand was at work the entire time.  It was his small voice that keep nudging me to be courageous and speak with her about working for us.  And as she tearfully reminded me today... she has loved every minute of working with Duane, me, and our team at Chick-fil-A. 

The official good-bye today was not easy.  How do you say good-bye or even "see you later" to someone who has had such a profound impact on your business and your life.  She has been with us through both pregnancies, watched me raise both kids, and watch Duane and I grow into more mature business people.  She has watched us struggle and excel.  Many of you know the story about us moving from a Chick-fil-A in Beaumont to own our store in Fall Creek/Humble.  Ms. Mary did not come with us at first.  She gave the new owner at our former store a chance because packing up your life in your seventies is not fun and she thought that everything would stay the same.  I had hoped for her sake it would to.  Unfortunately, she quickly became unhappy and with the help of our GM we brought Ms. Mary back to us and she has been with us for 3 years almost to the day at our Fall Creek store.  

I have so many classic Ms. Mary moments in my mind. There is not possibly a long enough blog post to capture her incredible years of service and many of your stories are just as great as mine!  Here are some great Ms. Mary facts that you may not know about our living legend:
  • She had quite the sweet tooth and incredible genes! She ate cheesecake with strawberries or a milkshake with a small "potato" as she called it for her break food quite often. How she kept that fantastic figure I will never know!
  • We had to make her take a break most of the time. She is quite a worker bee!
  • She would always come running in right at 10:58 am to be "on the clock" by 11 am. 
  • She discovered she loved our hand-rolled biscuits so our team would always save a biscuit for Ms. Mary since she missed the breakfast hours by the time she arrived at work. She would eat the biscuit feverishly with a bottled water before starting her work day.
  • She always wanted to look her best so it was quite a task picking out uniform shirts for her. I finally gave up and she went shopping for her own :)
Of course, the most notable trait about Ms. Mary was her servant's heart. She received such joy from passing out samples at our first store and later helping our guests as a hostess here in Humble.  We would get the question so many times about why we were making such a sweet OLD woman work so hard.  Such a loaded question but the simple answer was that she was doing what she loved doing... and she was getting paid for it!  We never made her work, we never forced her to do anything! She was doing what came naturally to her-- serving her community, helping how she could, and loving on people.  What an amazing legacy to leave behind!  I think about all the lives that she has touched in some small way-- it was her great smile, quiet demeanor, her sweet "Welcome to Chick-fil-A", it was the joy she emitted in every interaction.  Her actions challenged us to be better servants of people.  How can I be a Ms. Mary today?

I am not quite sure how to end this blog post... or if I even want to.  Ending this post is closing a chapter in my life that I was quite frankly not ready to close.  Of course, I would have never been ready.  There were lots of tears today, many hugs, and few words.  The more we said, the more we cried so we stopped talking.  And while I know that moving closer to her family is the best thing for her in the long run I can't help but wish things could be different.  I suppose for everything there is a season and I was blessed to experience an incredible season with Ms. Mary.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Emma and Dr. G

She was ready...
 She was pumped...
 She was on a mission to rid her cuteness of "sugar buggies"!
We had delayed Emma's inevitable 1st dentist appointment until the bitter end-- the last day of her summer vacation.  The delay was all my doing.  I was not looking forward to the kicking, screaming, and carrying on that would happen when Emma found out everything that occurs during a dentist appointment.  Too many strange tubes, metal objects, and not-so-tasty paste tends to equal an unhappy 3 (almost 4) year old.  Well, boy was I WRONG! Obviously, you can tell by the look on her face in the above pictures that she was loving every second of her dental experience.  She is quite a talker so she made quick work of charming the pants off of the staff at Dr. G's office.  Mo, her hygenist, was so amazing and made Emma feel very comfortable in the exam chair.  Then they had an introduction to all the tools that a dentist uses to clean teeth.  Emma's favorite tool was Mr. Thirsty which we all know as the water sucker tool.  She wasn't the least bit scared to take a drink from the "water shooter" thingy and then have the water sucked up by Mr. Thirsty.  I honestly sat there in amazement, at times beaming with pride, that my little girl was so grown up! 

When formal introductions were through it was down to business and my nerves took over again at the thought of kicking and screaming when the exam would begin.  In typical Emma style she proved mommy wrong again-- she loves doing that!  She laid back and they counted her teeth with the metal tools, cleaned some plaque, polished, and flossed and we were done... or so I thought.  The one part of the dentist visit that she did not like was the flouride varnish. I didn't know that they would put that gross stuff on her so I had not mentally prepared her for that one.  She verbally told them that she was not happy with the process of "painting" her teeth with the gross stuff but she let them do it.  She made sure I knew how much she hated "that stuff" for the rest of the day.

We celebrated in true Johnston family style with a trip to see Daddy at work and have Chick-fil-A for lunch-- who was surprised by that one? ;)  So, the mission to fight "sugar buggies" started at 11:30 am and was declared finished at 12:10 pm.  Well done, Emma!

**Side Note: She doesn't understand why it is necessary to do this all again in 6 months though-- I guess I have 6 months to convince her otherwise!

Monday, August 8, 2011

68 years

Yesterday (Sunday) we celebrated Duane's grandparents 68th wedding anniversary. Yes, you read it correctly 68 YEARS or 24,820 days of being whole-heartily committed to serving one another for better or worse, in sickness and in health, all the days of their lives.  And Bill and Catherine Johnston have been an amazing example of just that.  They are truly a beacon of light in a world where nothing seems to last forever.
Curiosity got the best of me and I looked up what one would get someone who has been married 68 years.  What I found what a bit upsetting-- they have restructured or "updated" the anniversary milestone gift chart.  I am quoting from a website that I found this info on, "The Modern lists have moved luxury gifts to earlier anniversaries, in part because fewer couples reach their 50th or even their 25th wedding anniversary, even though people are generally living longer."  In other words, we are allowing couples to reach to golden milestone gifts sooner because quite frankly no one goes the distance anymore.  And it isn't just a little bit earlier... you get the good stuff at 5 YEARS now!  Full disclosure: I do not follow the milestone chart. In fact, Duane and I hardly even get each other anniversary gifts.  But I do think it is silly that we have restructured a chart that began in 1920 because people are having trouble staying married longer than 5 years!

All you need is love, right?  Well, marriage is hard work and my sweet husband would be the first one to admit that loving me is not always the easiest thing to do.  I have a feeling though that Bill and Catherine Johnston would remind me that romantic love isn't the only thing that makes a marriage go the distance.  As I have observed them for the last 10 years (since Duane and I met), I have learned that that type devotion is much more than a romantic, Hallmark card kind of love.  Their love is truly what Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13 and #1 verse used as home wall decor: "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...". 

Can you imagine the patience, kindness, and humbleness that is required to walk hand in hand with your soul mate for 68 years?! How many times they had to bite their tongues to avoid getting into what would have been a silly argument or how many moments they have had to cling to one another to get through a bump in the road?  I am convinced that marriage is not harder now than it was back then-- I just think they have better endurance to stay the course than couples now-a-days do. 

Duane and I feel so blessed to have Grandma and Grandpa Johnston (and all our grandparents actually) as role models of how to love.  As we sat at the nursing home and enjoyed cake to celebrate their love, they were simply holding hands, sitting side by side.  What an amazing love and an amazing legacy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Answer to Prayer

In case anyone was fuzzy on the topic let me clear it up: God answers prayer!

Mason had his appointment with a Texas Children's Cardiologist this morning and to sum it up quite simply-- he is just fine! Initial fears came from a CAT scan he had done to determine if he had a vascular ring which was causing him to wheeze.  The CAT scan revealed no vascular ring but did reveal what they thought was a minor narrowing of his aortic arch.  This narrowing would cause blood flow to be decreased to the lower parts of his body and an array of other heart problems potentially.  In the picture below you see 2 darken spots drawn in around his aortic arch that depicts what a narrowing would look like.

So, they decided to get confirmation about this narrowing by doing an EKG and an Echocardiogram (ultrasound of his heart) in office today.  He was a rockstar for the EKG because he only had to be still for 30 seconds. The ECHO was a different story.  He had to be still for a long time.  I think the ultrasound took 20-25 minutes and he was restless through some of it.  But we made it though-- thank goodness-- because the alternative was having to conduct a sedated ECHO exam.  The results from the tests they ran and the cardiologist's clinical exam was that there was no indication that he has a narrowing in his aortic arch AT ALL.  Coincidence? Mistake?  I'll take ANSWER TO PRAYER for 500 Alex! :)  In all seriousness, did the radiologist really see a narrowing in the CAT scan, was it a shadow in the CAT scan, were they leaning on the side of caution, or was Mason healed?  We are simply resting in the knowledge that he is healthy tonight! 

God answers prayers but he doesn't answer all questions all at once.  We still DO NOT know why he wheezes!  We do have a follow-up with the ENT in 2 weeks and he will run tests to see if he can determine the cause of Mason's wheeze.  I do have to say that Mason's wheeze has gotten a lot better and is really only apparent when he army crawls around the house and is one his belly.  So, it must have something to do with something being constricted when he is in the belly down position. 

In the above picture you may notice a hand-drawn tube coming from the right side of the picture.  He does have an abnormality in his heart but it is nothing to cause any alarm and nothing will be done about it.  In most people that tube (left subclavian artery) comes out from the left of the heart, but in Mason it comes from the right side and all the way around.  It will be like that for the rest of his life and is just the way God made him!  It is good that we are aware of it in case Mason does have to have surgery one day-- whether related to the heart or not.

Mason took a LONG nap when we got home this afternoon--he was POOPED!  Thank you for your millions of prayers. We can all celebrate tonight! Milkshakes at Chick-fil-A anyone? :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Who's Ministering to Whom?


Vacation Bible School is always a week full of so many emotions: excitement, nervousness, exhaustion-- oh, what a week it is!  And I have to brag that Second Baptist Church does an AMAZING job with VBS! I had the privilege of teaching between 20-30 2nd graders about the fruit of the spirit last week-- specifically love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness.  Don't worry! I had 4 other adult/youth helpers to assist me with this wild bunch.  It was definitely a TEAM effort!  With every passing day it was becoming more and more apparent that while I was the "teacher"-- who was really teaching whom?  Sure, I was quoting scripture and re-telling bible stories but who did God really want to deal with: them or me?

Every day I had to pick one child that had exhibited the particular "fruit of the spirit" that day.  Throughout the day I had to study my kids to figure out who was showing love, joy, peace, etc.  As I observed their behavior, I was humbled and in awe of some of their actions.  Do I show love like Emmanuel does by befriending Sam, a less popular kid in the class?  Do I show joy like Makenzie-- always a smile on her face and always such a great outlook in all situations?  Do I show peace like Danae who is always so level-headed and easy-going even while in conflict? Do I show patience like Weston who always waits his turn and is never hasty?  And do I show kindness like Faith who puts others first and makes their needs a priority?

Who knew that 2nd graders were so profound?!  Everyday I was challenged to be a better example not only for my VBS class but for my family at home.  God promises that he will chisel away at us everyday, making us more like Him, if we allow Him to.  I sure appreciated his daily reminders last week as He worked to make me a better me.  Isn't it just like God to pull a bait-n-switch?  I thought I was volunteering to minister to a bunch of 2nd graders when all along He had bigger plans to teach me a thing or two about... me!  

Friday, July 29, 2011

July 24, 2011: Mama

Mama. The sweetest word we can ever hear from our babies-- possibly second only to "I love you".  After months of endless repetition and hearing "da-da" a million times, I finally heard him mutter the beautiful sound: muh-ma.  I almost missed it and had it not been for Emma's keen ear (don't let her fool you-- she hears everything) I would have!  We were eating a late dinner at Chuy's which is one of THE loudest restaurants when Mason decided that he had let me suffer long enough.  I was busy trying to squeeze in a little adult conversation while Emma was entertaining Mason.  All of a sudden Emma said, "MOM! He just said your name!" I half acknowledged what she said and went on talking with Duane when I heard it for myself.  I practically leapt across the table, grabbed his yummy cheeks, and gave him a million kisses.  He thought the whole thing was very amusing and continued to say "muh-ma" just to see how I would react.  I immediately snapped a few pictures of the moments just after his BIG word reveal.  In case, you were wondering what he was eating... Mason received lots of snacks after his job well done.  I am soaking in every precious "muh-ma" now and figure that I might as well enjoy it before I get to the point where every time I hear "MAMA" I want to run and hide! :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

MOMent Challenges #1-4

Earlier this summer I found a great blog called MomLife Today that I have been following via Facebook. It has been a great resource of encouragement, inspiration, and challenge. They issued what they are calling weekly "Summer Fun MOMent Challenges" which are challenging moms to be intentional about spending quality time with our kids.  Two key words there: intentional and quality! Intentional meaning that we have planned the event/activity and we have set aside specific time to spend with our kid(s).  Quality meaning that the event/activity is creating a special "mom" moment/memory for our child-- so a grocery shopping trip to HEB unfortunately was not going to cut it by these standards :)

I accepted the challenge and I've been going strong for 4 weeks! It has been a lot of fun for me to "plan" these activities and Emma has really enjoyed them. I use the term "plan" loosely because every week there is a theme and they give you a fairly long list of activities you can pick from.

Week #1 Challenge-- Get MUDDY or WET!

While Emma took her nap that day I filled 80+ water balloons. It took quite a while to fill that many balloons!  It was worth it though because when she woke up-- IT WAS ON! Granted we didn't get soaking wet but Emma thought it was TOO COOL :) She still talks about being able to throw water balloons at mommy!

Week #2 Challenge: 4th of July Celebration

There were several choices this particular week so we did a couple-- 1) create fireworks using window markers, and 2) use face paint to paint fireworks on each other! I have always been cautious to buy the window markers/crayons because I felt that if I left Emma color on anything but paper she would indeed color on everything but paper!  I suppose this might have been true of 2 year old Emma but I had to realize that she is almost 4 year old Emma-- so much more mature :) -- and it was time to get over my fears.  I am so glad I did!  Window markers and crayons are AWESOME! It was so fun drawing fireworks, flags, and all things patriotic on our back door windows.  We "face painted" on our arms and Emma LOVED being able to cover me with paint.  She held nothing back and I was soon covered with all sorts of objects, none of which were fireworks :)

Week #3 Challenge: PLAY with your child

We were given free reign this week, although, they did provide a list if we were stumped.  This week fell in conjunction with our road trip to Ohio so we had 19 HOURS to play with each other on the way up and back!  Most of the time we did arts and crafts together.  Here is a sampling of her many creations and one of mine! :)

Week #4 Challenge: Create Your Own MOMent

They made us stretch a little and come up with our own idea of something to do.  A mom in my neighborhood has an at-home business called The Tipsy Brush.  She teaches classes to help any one learn to paint by breaking down paintings into simple parts.  This summer she branched out and began offering kids classes as well as "mommy and me" classes.  I signed Emma and myself up for one of these classes this week.  We had a great time and she created a masterpiece which is now adorning her bedroom wall. Fun times and a great souvenir to remember our morning! Check out our little Picasso's work of art:

Can't wait to see what week #5 holds...