Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Answer to Prayer

In case anyone was fuzzy on the topic let me clear it up: God answers prayer!

Mason had his appointment with a Texas Children's Cardiologist this morning and to sum it up quite simply-- he is just fine! Initial fears came from a CAT scan he had done to determine if he had a vascular ring which was causing him to wheeze.  The CAT scan revealed no vascular ring but did reveal what they thought was a minor narrowing of his aortic arch.  This narrowing would cause blood flow to be decreased to the lower parts of his body and an array of other heart problems potentially.  In the picture below you see 2 darken spots drawn in around his aortic arch that depicts what a narrowing would look like.

So, they decided to get confirmation about this narrowing by doing an EKG and an Echocardiogram (ultrasound of his heart) in office today.  He was a rockstar for the EKG because he only had to be still for 30 seconds. The ECHO was a different story.  He had to be still for a long time.  I think the ultrasound took 20-25 minutes and he was restless through some of it.  But we made it though-- thank goodness-- because the alternative was having to conduct a sedated ECHO exam.  The results from the tests they ran and the cardiologist's clinical exam was that there was no indication that he has a narrowing in his aortic arch AT ALL.  Coincidence? Mistake?  I'll take ANSWER TO PRAYER for 500 Alex! :)  In all seriousness, did the radiologist really see a narrowing in the CAT scan, was it a shadow in the CAT scan, were they leaning on the side of caution, or was Mason healed?  We are simply resting in the knowledge that he is healthy tonight! 

God answers prayers but he doesn't answer all questions all at once.  We still DO NOT know why he wheezes!  We do have a follow-up with the ENT in 2 weeks and he will run tests to see if he can determine the cause of Mason's wheeze.  I do have to say that Mason's wheeze has gotten a lot better and is really only apparent when he army crawls around the house and is one his belly.  So, it must have something to do with something being constricted when he is in the belly down position. 

In the above picture you may notice a hand-drawn tube coming from the right side of the picture.  He does have an abnormality in his heart but it is nothing to cause any alarm and nothing will be done about it.  In most people that tube (left subclavian artery) comes out from the left of the heart, but in Mason it comes from the right side and all the way around.  It will be like that for the rest of his life and is just the way God made him!  It is good that we are aware of it in case Mason does have to have surgery one day-- whether related to the heart or not.

Mason took a LONG nap when we got home this afternoon--he was POOPED!  Thank you for your millions of prayers. We can all celebrate tonight! Milkshakes at Chick-fil-A anyone? :)


  1. Wow, that's great news! Hopefully you will get some answers on the wheeze now, while you're on a roll. I hope things turn out similarly for Zoe, who had a "click" in her hip at her 4 month appointment and has to see an orthopedic surgeon next week to see if she has hip dysplasia! I'm voting for NO. :) They keep us on our toes, don't they?

  2. Too bad I didn't see this earlier, we definitely would have met you for milkshakes! -Kel

  3. Wow! That is amazing and God is amazing!!! I'm so glad that your little man is just perfect as God made him :)

  4. What a relief. Nothing worse then fearing for your children's health. Amen!
