She was ready...
She was pumped...
She was on a mission to rid her cuteness of "sugar buggies"!

We had delayed Emma's inevitable 1st dentist appointment until the bitter end-- the last day of her summer vacation. The delay was all my doing. I was not looking forward to the kicking, screaming, and carrying on that would happen when Emma found out everything that occurs during a dentist appointment. Too many strange tubes, metal objects, and not-so-tasty paste tends to equal an unhappy 3 (almost 4) year old. Well, boy was I WRONG! Obviously, you can tell by the look on her face in the above pictures that she was loving every second of her dental experience. She is quite a talker so she made quick work of charming the pants off of the staff at Dr. G's office. Mo, her hygenist, was so amazing and made Emma feel very comfortable in the exam chair. Then they had an introduction to all the tools that a dentist uses to clean teeth. Emma's favorite tool was Mr. Thirsty which we all know as the water sucker tool. She wasn't the least bit scared to take a drink from the "water shooter" thingy and then have the water sucked up by Mr. Thirsty. I honestly sat there in amazement, at times beaming with pride, that my little girl was so grown up!
When formal introductions were through it was down to business and my nerves took over again at the thought of kicking and screaming when the exam would begin. In typical Emma style she proved mommy wrong again-- she loves doing that! She laid back and they counted her teeth with the metal tools, cleaned some plaque, polished, and flossed and we were done... or so I thought. The one part of the dentist visit that she did not like was the flouride varnish. I didn't know that they would put that gross stuff on her so I had not mentally prepared her for that one. She verbally told them that she was not happy with the process of "painting" her teeth with the gross stuff but she let them do it. She made sure I knew how much she hated "that stuff" for the rest of the day.
We celebrated in true Johnston family style with a trip to see Daddy at work and have Chick-fil-A for lunch-- who was surprised by that one? ;) So, the mission to fight "sugar buggies" started at 11:30 am and was declared finished at 12:10 pm. Well done, Emma!
**Side Note: She doesn't understand why it is necessary to do this all again in 6 months though-- I guess I have 6 months to convince her otherwise!
We love Dr. G and Mo! Tell them hello from Nigeria for me! I still have Mo's note with her uncle's contact info in Kenya. Hope we get to visit soon.