This is the face of our 1-year old being CAUGHT red-handed as he broke into his diaper bag and helped himself to a bag of snacks before dinner.
Need I say more?! I suppose I will tell the whole short story. I, the tired and over-worked mom in this story, was busy preparing dinner before we went to church. Emma was on the potty. Duane was on a conference call off-site. I was about 3/4 the way through dinner when I realized that it had been WAY TOO quiet for WAY TOO long so I called out for Mason. No response. I called out again. No response. Half panicking I left the kitchen to round the corner and the face pictured above is the face I see. Followed by this face when I asked him what he was doing...

At that very moment Emma calls me from the potty proclaiming proudly that she has gone poo-poo and wants me to go see it. Then the timer goes off signaling that I need to remove the dinner pan from the heat per the instructions. So, I weighed my options on which item I should tackle first. I chose Emma and the potty-- praying that my bathroom wasn't in disarray and the trip to the potty was indeed successful. It was so I cleaned her up, washed my hands, and decided the timer was the next priority when Duane walks in. Welcome to chaos, honey! He grabs the timer and turns off the stove. Then it was back to Mason who was sitting proudly holding his empty bag of Kix and was saying, "Nack, Nack!" -- translation: snack, snack-- victory written all over his face.
Oh the life of Mommy-hood....sometimes picking our battles is the way to go :) Your babies are so super cute!