Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Recovery "Dance"

One Step Forward, 2 Steps Back is what I am calling my Recovery Dance and that is what I have experienced this past week.

I had some really great days- also known as my One Step Forward days. Days where I almost forgot that I was recovering from major surgery at all- playing with the kids, small chores, driving. I would even forget to take Motrin! Now at the end of these days I was tired BUT what mom isn't tired after a day of well... mothering :)

I had some not-so-great days also known as my 2 Steps Back days. I mean could everything on my body hurt at once- goodness! Stabbing, aching, burning, throbbing, you name it, I felt it and it normally forced me into bed very early. I simply needed to be horizontal because that meant comfort!

Now it seems my bad days followed my good days which probably meant that I was over doing it on my good days. My personality is all wrong for recovery-mode you see. I take advantage of good days and run 100 miles an hour... into a wall and find myself regretting all those "accomplishments" the day before. So, tonight I found myself hurting after a day of small errands with the family- Duane drove, I was just a passenger, how bad could it be! Well, I've been on my back for 4 hours just plain sore and uncomfortable.  Duane was warming up leftovers for dinner and Emma was concerned why mommy was just lying in bed. I heard Duane tell her I was in pain and trying to relax. Emma: "But is mommy going to eat dinner?" Duane: "We will figure it out". Suddenly in walks my sweet Emma with her pink Dora the Explorer tray to have Dinner-in-Bed with Mommy... so I wasn't lonely :) She made me smile and I wasn't lonely for dinner.

So tomorrow will be another day, another dance step, some pain I'm sure, and one day I will realize that like it or not my body is going to force me rest and heal and everything else can... well... wait. (Oh, the type A, multi-tasker in me just cringed!)

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