Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Surgery Round 2- DING!

Yesterday was Sugery Round #2 and it went so very well! They had promised me that it was going to be much easier, much less pain, and much quicker both in surgery and recovery time--- AND boy were they right!  I am cautious to say that this is my "final/last" round of surgery because at the very beginning of this journey my doctors told me that by making this decision it will mean a lifetime of surgery-- possibly once every 10 years. But to quote my Emma who is almost 5, "Mom, but you did it so you don't get cancer and can be with me for a long time..."

We arrived at MD Anderson's outpatient surgical floor a bit before 10 am and they took me back to prep by 10:20 ish.  Apparently  I was on the operating table by 11:05 am.  I don't remember anything but closing my eyes as they wheeled me down the hall-- I was OUT and my 3.5 hour nap was beginning!  Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery and I heard Duane's voice.  It was a pleasant waking up process unlike last surgery when I felt like I was dying from pain!  I was able to sit up pretty quickly, eat some crackers, and drink some juice.  I made a trip to the bathroom, came back to my "room" to get dressed and I was ready to go home! Never in a million years did I think that I was going to be ready to go that quickly!  I was home by dinner time!

This morning I was expecting to wake up with the unpleasant heaviness that I had during my first surgery but other than soreness-- I didn't feel much.  I am able to get in and out of bed by myself, use the restroom myself, make breakfast myself-- all of the things you take for granted until you can't do them any more!  Now the soreness is not comfortable but I think a majority of the soreness is coming from the spots where they did a little lipo-- yes-- mama got herself a little nip and tuck ;)  By tonight I will probably need stronger pain meds but today I have been able to maintain with just Motrin. 

So, I guess I will have to believe my doctor when she said I will be feeling almost back to normal in a little over a week... she's been right about everything so far!

Thank you for the prayers, meals, drop-in visitors, facebook posts, and precious get well soon cards from Emma's Pre-K 4 class! Everything helps to lift the spirits and take my mind off the pain!

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