I usually can't get a whole lot out of Emma about her school day. I get typical vagueness that I know most parents get-- "we did stuff" or "I played"-- definitely nothing of substance most of the time. However, over a week ago I asked specifically about small chapel which is the bible story time that happens at the beginning of each day. The Pre K 3 and 4 classes have this time together and their teachers switch off teaching the lesson. The recent lesson really stuck with Emma and has been a sweet addition to our family conversations!
Paraphrasing Emma: "Mom, we learned about filling each other's buckets today." "what's that mean Emma?" "Well mom it's like when I say loving words to you then I am filling your bucket and when I share a toy with Charlotte then I am filling her bucket." Emma gave me several more examples but you get the just of it. So as our weeks have gone along Emma continues to point out when we are filling each other's buckets or when we are dipping or spilling someone's bucket. She likes to call us on the ropes but has a bit of a hard time when we hold her accountable-- typical little girl behavior!
But all-in-all I love the concept! What a great challenge for all of us! Whose bucket have you filled today? Did you fill or spill someone's bucket? Are you even paying enough attention to realize?! This lesson was a very powerful word picture for Emma and she has really taken it to heart so we have adopted it as a family as well. I appreciate her sweet teacher, Mrs. Licata, for teaching Emma about filling buckets.
So, I say to you-- are you filling someone's bucket today?