Monday, August 20, 2012

All Grown Up :(

I know sometimes it is hard for others to tell but the picture on the left was taken this morning (2012) and the picture on the right was taken one year ago (2011).  How can they change so much in one year?!?! Emma started Pre K-4 today and while it was nice to have her occupied in educational fun today it occurred that life is just simply moving faster and faster and I have to really stop, take it in, and enjoy it.

Emma is still at a golden age: she thinks Duane and I are pretty awesome people, she still wants to marry her brother Mason, and live at home for the rest of her life.  And while in reality that is an RX for major dysfunction (lol) the point is we haven't lost her to the world yet! Now granted she will be five in September so I know I still have a few more years in this "golden period" but how quickly it will fly by...

So, here's to a new school year of soakin' it all in, lovin' every minute of watching her discover new things, and praising the Lord for giving me the privilege to be her mommy! I say it often because it's true-- I love this kid :)


Friday, August 17, 2012

Meet "Bumble"

Yup, there he is-- Bumble! This isn't Mason's Halloween costume but he has fallen in love with it ever since he found it in the dress up box in the playroom... and it has been hard to pry it off of him ever since.

This is how our day goes:  Mason wakes up and it is a fight to put a new diaper on him but his eyes light up when he sees the bumble bee costume. He demands, in an oh-so-cute way, his bumble bee costume be put on and we tug, pull, and stretch it to get on him. Let's just say there is more Mason than there is bumble bee costume :)  And all we hear is "bumble, bumble, bumble" for the rest of the day!

This is how serious it gets:
*Mason responds to the name-- Bumble.
*He calls himself-- Bumble.
*He buzzes around like a-- Bumble :)

He allows us to take off the costume at meal times so it won't get dirty but then it is right back on! What blows my mind is how HOT the costume makes him and it doesn't seem to phase him. He is literally a sweating mess after playing in it all day! Such a SILLY Bumble-- uh-- I mean BOY!  I love this kid :)