Friday, December 23, 2011

Johnston Christmas Letter 2011

So, I've never written one of these so don't get your hopes up! But here we go-- an attempt to sum up all the ups, downs, and crazy ins and outs of 2011 in 4 or 5 short paragraphs :)

Duane continues to be a success with our small chicken business! Of course he has surrounded himself with great people to help him succeed and he loves what he does now more than ever before. Duane made a decision to begin helping with the high school youth group at church this summer. He attended Beach Retreat and it out of his comfort zone to say the least but he loved it. This fall he signed up to lead a Collision Group that meets on Wednesday nights. The bible study group is made up of 11th grade guys and he is challenged every week :)

I (Erica) continue to help Duane market our business. I have so much fun planning events and keeping up with our community. I jumped head first into volunteering at Emma's new school and I have enjoyed being involved and meeting new people! The first half of 2011 I was wrapped up in "newborn" world.  The second half of 2011 I managed to finish a few DIY home projects, teach VBS, survive a roadtrip with the kids, and embraced being a taxi driver for my kiddos social calendar. Let's face it: I'm a MOM- 'nuff said :) 

Emma is a 14 year old trapped in a 4 year old body most days! Her spunk and confidence has served her well in her first year of pre-school. She is enrolled at Holy Trinity Episcopal School, a local private school, in the Pre-K 3 program. She has been awarded the Classroom Leadership Award, is learning to spell, write her last name, simple math, Spanish, and learned "Duck, Duck, Goose" in P.E.  She is truly something special! Emma conquered riding her bike earlier this year, saved up to buy her trampoline with garage sale money, and ice-skated for the first time. She has also been a great big sister to her brother.

Mason's first full year of life was full of firsts! First word: Dada. First tooth: 4 months. First chicken nugget: 7 months. First steps: 14 months. Now he is walking, babbling, throwing fits, and CLIMBING on EVERYTHING! Everyone was right-- boys are a different breed of human-- but they are so snuggly! We had some health concerns with Mason this year and after many, many appointments at Texas Children's Hospital (and lots of prayer) he seems to be perfectly healthy. Mason loves being outside, climbing the Chick-fil-A playground, and LOVES tamales, apples, and bread baskets :)

We are looking forward to a FUN, HEALTHY, and FANTASTIC 2012!

Merry Christmas <3
The Johnstons


Sunday, December 4, 2011


We don't have a lot of family traditions in my family and Duane and I haven't established too many traditions of our own either.  We do have one that began when I was a baby and is something that I continued with my kiddos.  Check out the photo below... 

That's right the words on the bottom say "Baby's First Christmas 1983". This was my first Hallmark Christmas ornament that my parents bought me my first Christmas.  I have an ornament from every Christmas since 1983 until I got married. Each year my mom would pick out an ornament that represented a milestone in our lives or something that we liked/were into and some are just cute ornaments with less of a "deep" meaning! When I grew up and married, my mom passed the ornaments on to me to decorate my tree with.  I love unpacking my past in the form of ornaments every year when we decorate our Christmas tree! 

When Emma came along it seemed only natural to continue the tradition that I had enjoyed as a child and we bought her first Hallmark Christmas ornament.  The ribbon says "Baby's First Christmas 2007".

We have purchased a Hallmark ornament every year for her and now she is getting to an age where she loves to hear the story behind why mommy chose a certain ornament for her.  I try to get one that represents who she is that particular year.  This year Emma received a "Tangled" themed ornament which represented her first movie theater experience and her beginning phase of "princess obsession"-- I knew it would happen eventually! :)

Of course, when our bundle of love Mason arrived, the tradition continued!  The price tag on the onesie reads "Baby's First Christmas 2010".  This year Mason received a Little People Fire Truck Hallmark ornament to represent his rough-n-tumble start into toddlerhood... and it was just so stinkin' cute!

Decorating my Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do because it truly reflects who we are as a family and has a lifetime of great stories to tell.  Duane and I also buy ornaments for our milestone events as a couple.  We have a "Couples First Christmas 2004" and "First Home 2010".  By the way, the ornament care is taken very seriously-- every onament is repackaged in its orginal packaging with original bubble wrap-- I mean I am my mother's daughter :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Elf

The return of the Elf on the Shelf has been a wonderful addition to our family once again this holiday season. Last year his name was Elfie... this year it is Christmas Elfie... next year who knows! Emma loves looking for him every morning and is very impressed with his "hiding" and "climbing" abilities. The power of the Elf is amazing but I don't know who has more fun-- Emma or Daddy (who scouts out Elfie's new hiding spot daily)!