Duane continues to be a success with our small chicken business! Of course he has surrounded himself with great people to help him succeed and he loves what he does now more than ever before. Duane made a decision to begin helping with the high school youth group at church this summer. He attended Beach Retreat and it was...um... out of his comfort zone to say the least but he loved it. This fall he signed up to lead a Collision Group that meets on Wednesday nights. The bible study group is made up of 11th grade guys and he is challenged every week :)
I (Erica) continue to help Duane market our business. I have so much fun planning events and keeping up with our community. I jumped head first into volunteering at Emma's new school and I have enjoyed being involved and meeting new people! The first half of 2011 I was wrapped up in "newborn" world. The second half of 2011 I managed to finish a few DIY home projects, teach VBS, survive a roadtrip with the kids, and embraced being a taxi driver for my kiddos social calendar. Let's face it: I'm a MOM- 'nuff said :)
Emma is a 14 year old trapped in a 4 year old body most days! Her spunk and confidence has served her well in her first year of pre-school. She is enrolled at Holy Trinity Episcopal School, a local private school, in the Pre-K 3 program. She has been awarded the Classroom Leadership Award, is learning to spell, write her last name, simple math, Spanish, and learned "Duck, Duck, Goose" in P.E. She is truly something special! Emma conquered riding her bike earlier this year, saved up to buy her trampoline with garage sale money, and ice-skated for the first time. She has also been a great big sister to her brother.
Mason's first full year of life was full of firsts! First word: Dada. First tooth: 4 months. First chicken nugget: 7 months. First steps: 14 months. Now he is walking, babbling, throwing fits, and CLIMBING on EVERYTHING! Everyone was right-- boys are a different breed of human-- but they are so snuggly! We had some health concerns with Mason this year and after many, many appointments at Texas Children's Hospital (and lots of prayer) he seems to be perfectly healthy. Mason loves being outside, climbing the Chick-fil-A playground, and LOVES tamales, apples, and bread baskets :)
We are looking forward to a FUN, HEALTHY, and FANTASTIC 2012!
Merry Christmas <3
The Johnstons